Tuesday, March 24, 2009


First my car wouldn't start yesterday, then a really crappy night at work. They will be so lucky if I finish this last week there. I swear last night was one of the top ten worst nights on that unit and I've worked on that unit for 16 months! Between following an incompetent nurse and the insane patient they got while I was off over the weekend, I did good to breathe the first 4 hours. Usually by 4 hours into my shift everything is good and calm and a good percentage of my paperwork is done. No, not last night. Instead last night I was just starting my paperwork at 11 and had two scheduled meds to give at midnight. I hate doing IVs and meds in the middle of the night. And I had to have the RN supervisor over three times to give IV push meds over-night. Scheduled IV push meds. The stupid doctors know we have no RN in our part of the building over-night and still keep scheduling meds that RNs have to give. Grrr idiots. Oh well just 4 more work nights there.

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