Wednesday, October 14, 2009

-2= -7 total

That's right it's Wednesday and time for another weigh in. Minus two pounds more today for a grand total of minus seven pounds. And I am happy with that considering the birthday cake from this past weekend. So 7 down 83 to go. I can do it and I will do it.

On other notes, no post yesterday just because I had nothing to say. It was a long, boring, cold, wet day, with nothing at all worth talking about.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Not me Monday

This past week I most certainly did not forgetfully add some salad topper mix to our green beans which did not include peanuts and then I did not proceed to feed said green beans to my 8 month old before remembering the peanuts. Oh and I did not let him continue to eat the green beans after realizing my mistake. (Thankfully he was fine, no adverse reactions at all)
I also did not laugh hysterically when my 8 month old laid himself on the floor, flopped around like a fish, and whined pitifully. (If this is his idea of a tantrum I’m in for an entertaining few years)
I absolutely did not share a bowl of chili mac with my 8 month old then hope his father would get stuck with that diaper.
I did not wish it wasn’t my 33rd birthday already.
I did not cheat on my diet at all. Not me, I would never have birthday cake while on a diet. And I did not continue to eat pieces of said cake throughout the weekend.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Today will be a very long day. It appears I need to invest in a bottle of Tyl PM again. I couldn't go to sleep till 2am and that was after going to bed at 10. I went right to sleep the first time, but after Jax woke me at 10:30 I just couldn't get back to sleep. Then Jax was up just before 7:30am. What fun. I am considering calling in to work tonight.
This morning is our local Parents as Teachers Down on the Farm. Of course it is cold and damp, but we will be bundling up and heading out to see the animals and take a hay ride. I will try for some postable pictures, but my camera is a piece of junk so no promises.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Seven Quick Takes

My first attempt at this one, so bear with me.
1. First to get it out of the way, everyone around me seems to be in football mode and for me baseball isn’t even over yet. Kinda bugs me that the seasons over-lap like that, I am not a big enough of a sports nut to want to follow/watch two or more sports in one time period.
And on that same note: Come on Cards, get it together. I know ya got it in you.
2. I have been following several blogs for a year or more now. And while I really would like to do daily updates to a blog and possibly make new friends through it, I just don’t think my life is interesting enough or that I am funny enough for anyone else to enjoy reading this thing.
3. Today is picture day for Corbin. Hard to believe another year has past and my little girl is in third grade. I can remember third grade so clearly, how is it I have a third grader? A few weeks ago she put quite a large chip in her right top front tooth and I was going over this morning with her to please smile without showing teeth and hope to be able to fix it soon.
4. Yesterday for my birthday I think I got more happy wishes then in the last five years combined thanks to Facebook and all the old friends I have reconnected with there. I love being able to see where all my high school friends are and what they are up to, and pictures of their kids. In fact just in the last week one welcomed a new daughter and updated FB through out the day while his wife was in labor. I think it is wonderful how much closer we can all feel with the internet to connect us across the miles.
5. Jax was toothless until about 7 weeks ago and now the kid is breaking in his 5th tooth. At this rate by 10 months he’ll have all his teeth but his first set of molars. So much for my hope he would take after me and be toothless at a year, LoL.
6. Speaking of my birthday, I think I may be getting a ring from TJ. All week he has been asking about my ring size (which I was unsure of) then yesterday after a brief private call with his mom he stole my ring and left for about 20 minutes. MIL sells Avon and the have a beautiful opal ring I have been quietly eyeing for months now and I really hope that is what this is all about.
7. Wow, now I see even more how boring my life is. It is hard to come up with even 7 small topics to blog. But I vow to continue with this. And if by chance anyone ever starts reading this, I hope things can get a bit more interesting.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Happy birthday to me.

Will today is my 33rd birthday and the last year has been great. My dreams for the next year are to meet my goals in weight loss and to continue on my wonderful journey through life with my family. For now I must cut this short as tonight is my 16 hour shift at work and I must start getting ready to leave.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Well this morning was my first weigh in for my diet and I lost 5 pounds! I know I can't expect to keep losing at this rate but just hope to see a loss every week. My mini goals aren't very mini but would like 50lbs at least by March 1st and 75 by May 1st. In May one of my sisters is getting married and while I am not in the wedding party there will be the family pictures and at this point in my sad-low-body image mind I can't help feeling that at my current weight next to my supper skinny sisters and my nice health weight mother I will look huge and ruin the photos. That and there will be tons of family and family friends there that I haven't seen in years and want to be at my best. Also next summer is my 15 year high school reunion and before kids I was supper skinny like my sisters and want to show my old classmates that I was able to get back to a health weight after the kids. Of course these aren't the only reasons I want to lose the weight, there is also my health, and my kids.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

What a difference...

5 weeks makes! Jax now has 4 teeth (three on bottom and one on top), high speed crawls, pulls to a stand, cruises furniture, free stands for short periods, climbs anything he can, and babbles all day long. He is getting to be such a big boy. We go on the 23rd for a doc appointment, but we are estimating he currently weighs about 20lbs and is around 29ins tall.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

First tooth!

Jax had his first tooth break through yesterday morning! He has been so good about it too. Just a little whiney and not sleeping quiet as well but not bad at all. Fingers crossed the rest are this easy.

Friday, August 14, 2009


Jax has been sitting well unassisted if someone sat him up for about 3 weeks now. Well yesterday he figured out how to sit himself up and decided he needed to spend from 10:30pm to 1:30am practicing this new trick. He also has already gotten good at getting back down without falling over. But I am so tired this morning. Shouldn't complain since he normally sleeps so well.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Training for my new job is going well. It actually is pretty cool. The kids are doing well. Jax is still sleeping lots and through the night. Corbin is doing well with her behavior at home and school. Not really much going on here though.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sleep brag!

Jax was sleeping 6-7 hours straight at night, which we thought was just awesome. Now in the last few nights he has started sleeping 8-10 hours straight. WooHoo!

Jax's two month check up.

Birth Weight & Length: 6lbs 3.6oz 17.5in
1 Week Weight & Length: 6lbs 3oz 19in
One Month Weight & Length: 9lbs 10oz 20.5in
Two Month Weight & Length: 12lbs 14oz 21in

What a little piggy I have! Over double his birth weight in just two months. I think we have a big boy just like his brother was. Corbin was 13lbs at 9 months, but was never as big an eater as Jax already is.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


First my car wouldn't start yesterday, then a really crappy night at work. They will be so lucky if I finish this last week there. I swear last night was one of the top ten worst nights on that unit and I've worked on that unit for 16 months! Between following an incompetent nurse and the insane patient they got while I was off over the weekend, I did good to breathe the first 4 hours. Usually by 4 hours into my shift everything is good and calm and a good percentage of my paperwork is done. No, not last night. Instead last night I was just starting my paperwork at 11 and had two scheduled meds to give at midnight. I hate doing IVs and meds in the middle of the night. And I had to have the RN supervisor over three times to give IV push meds over-night. Scheduled IV push meds. The stupid doctors know we have no RN in our part of the building over-night and still keep scheduling meds that RNs have to give. Grrr idiots. Oh well just 4 more work nights there.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Call Back

Well I heard back about the job already. They called me back early this afternoon. Guess it's a good thing I didn't go out shopping this afternoon. I got the job, I go in to fill out paperwork and have a health screening on Wednesday then I start my orientation/training on April 1st. I'll be working the 2pm-11pm shift. But have 3 weeks of day shifts for orientation/training first.

Corbin and Jax

I got this picture this afternoon. He really wanted to get down and do anything but sit with his big sister. He is going to be fun to chase around, he already wants to go go go.

Where is time going?

Jax will be two months old on Monday. I can't believe how fast it has gone. We go next Friday for his two month check-up it'll be interesting to see how much he's grown, but I hate that he'll have to get shots. He is wearing mostly 3-6 month shirts but his 0-3 month pants are too long and fit great in the waist. He is getting longer but it is all in his torso. Posted a few new pictures of him and well be trying to get more and a video this weekend. He is smiling and cooing, sits up for short periods in his boppy pillow, and has started sleeping 6-7 hour stretches at night/early morning. He is still such a good baby, most crying is from hunger and rarely anything else.

My job interview yesterday went great, I'll know something early next week they said and would start early next month with orientation/training. Keeping my fingers crossed.

My fave new picture of Jax:

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Job interview!

Next Thursday for a state job. Which means more money and better benefits. They called this afternoon, after waiting 6 weeks for a call back from them.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Back to...

work tomorrow night. So wish I could stay home with my little man, but there is no way we could do it. I'm going to miss him so much. He just gets bigger every day and hate that I'll miss out on new things.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

One month!

I posted pics and a video on my site. Also a blog with an update on me. Been busy busy here. And I am down to only two weeks till I go back to work. My Mom, Dad and Bailey are planning on coming up this Sunday for a visit and to meet Jax. I'll be sure to get pictures.

Jax is

One month old today! It's going by so fast and he is growing like crazy. I'll post some pictures today and maybe try to get a bit of video today as well.

In other news: I am now down 30lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm nearly half way there. But I'm being realistic: I am aiming for Jax's first birthday. So bring on the warmer weather, I'm ready to get out and walk.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Think I got...

food poisoning. I had some shrimp last night for dinner and got very ill starting around 2am and lasting till about noon. Still feel like crap but holding down liquids and diarrhea is slowing down. Hope to be feeling even better tomorrow.

Think I got...

food poisoning. I had some shrimp last night for dinner and got very ill starting around 2am and lasting till about noon. Still feel like crap but holding down liquids and diarrhea is slowing down. Hope to be feeling even better tomorrow.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Jax's birth story

Delaney Jaxon

38 weeks and 2 days gestation


3:46PM CST

6 pounds 3.6 ounces

17 inches

APGAR scores 9 and 9

I awoke at 5am on Friday January 23rd after the best nights sleep I had gotten in weeks. I sat at the computer in the living room checking e-mails and reading message boards while waiting for it to be time for DD Corbin to get up and ready for school. Around 6AM, just before Corbin was due to get up, I decided to get up and go pee before I got busy helping her. When I stood up I got a quick small gush, hoping it was what I thought it was, I hurried off to the bathroom. When I sat down on the toilet it happened again. So with out going pee I stood back up to find clear cloudy toilet water. 15 minutes later it was continuing to leak whenever I changed position. Corbin was up by then but rather then say anything to her I helped her get ready same as ever and put her on the bus at 7AM. I had already woke DH T.J. and gave him a heads up. I had decided as long as there was no contractions I would wait until my OB’s office opened and call them rather then call L&D or go right in. From 7AM to 9AM T.J. and I got things together and made one last run to Wal-Mart so I could pick up some nursing bras. Just after 9AM I called the OB’s office and his nurse told me to head on in to the hospital and she would call and let them know I was coming. Ran to Sonic to get T.J. a bite to eat then off to the hospital.

10AM checked into L&D and told I am only 3cm and 75% effaced. Having a few minor contractions, but nothing serious. Midwife came in and told me my OB would be unavailable till after 3PM, so until then she would handle my labor and or delivery. Since my water had broken at 6 they were only willing to let me go till noon to see if something would happen or if I would need a push. My big concern was they really wanted to use Pitocin to push labor, and I had a rough time of it with Pit during my first L&D. So off I went to walk a bit, first heading over to my unit (all the way across the hospital) to let them know I was there and baby was coming that day. Went back to my room and just kind of hung out waiting with T.J. and his mom. At 12:30ish my favorite L&D nurse Dawn (she was at Corbin’s birth and was my OB instructor in LPN school) checked me and I was still only a 3 with only minor contractions. At this time T.J. went to go fetch Corbin from school. And so the hard part began for me. At 1:15PM still a 3 I was started on Pit. By 1:30 the contractions started with a vengeance. As 3pm arrived I felt like I was being tore in half and knew if it wasn’t over soon I might just cave on the epidural. I was checked and about screamed when she said I was a 7. At 3:15 I was given Demerol IV and they went a head and started to set up the room. Quickly I was telling them the pressure was building and I would soon need to push. I was coached through breathing through several contractions (and told them that even without pushing I could feel the head moving down) until my OB arrived and they started me pushing. Even this seemed harder then with my other two though I know it only last about 15 minutes. Soon Doc was telling me the head was clear and there was no cord around his neck but he had a hand tucked under his chin. I then reached down and pulled him out and up onto my belly where he immediately started to scream. They clamped his cord and just as Corbin (who was by my side for all the delivery) was about to cut it he nearly peed on her. After I delivered the placenta my Doc showed it to Corbin and explained it all to her (have I said before how much I LOVE him). His APGAR scores were 9 and 9, so he is tiny but strong and healthy. I couldn’t be happier that it all turned out so perfect, even though I was disappointed to need the Demerol, and thrilled to death I caught him (something I have wanted to do since before we started TTC). So all in all 9.75 hours from water break to delivery and only 2.5 hours from 3cm start of contractions to delivery. Also I would have never thought it possible but I have fallen even more in love with T.J., he has been so incredible these last few days.

Friday, January 16, 2009

37 week appt

Well as of this AM Dr. says I'm "a solid 2.5cm" 75% and baby is engaged. Not as much progress as I had hoped for but better then being at a stand still. He stripped me and I was pretty crampy this morning but not as bad now so not too hopeful there. He did say he hoped he'd see me this weekend, LoL I think he is in as big a hurry as I am. B/P was good, baby's HR was 155 and weight was -2lbs from pre-PG (he is thrilled with that). So for now I am off work tonight (Friday) and Saturday, then work Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday before I start my leave on Wed. Next appointment is next Friday, where we'll discuss induction for maybe the last week of January (I am hoping he'll do it again like with Corbin).

Monday, January 12, 2009

36 week appt

Had an appointment Friday which was 36 weeks and 2 days. My OB was there (still don't know what was up) but had a great visit. Was -1lb under pre-pregnancy weight, B/P was 117/54, Jax's heartrate was 145 and strong, and I was 1.5 to 2 cm dialated. Things are moving right along! There are 22 days until our due date! Don't think we're waiting that long. Dr. is ready for me to go anytime. He is just so excited every time he realizes how close I am LoL. One of the reasons I love him so much. Worked Thur, Fri, Sat and Sun nights and spent the whole weekend feeling more pressure, and lots of crampiness, with a few good contractions here and there. One of the girls at work swears he dropped Fri night during our shift. So planning on going back to OB on Friday afternoon for next check and my last scheduled night at work is next Tuesday the 20th. Got a few more things we needed today, thanks to some over-time I survived earlier this month. The rest can wait till income taxes for the most part I think. Corbin is getting so excited and keeps trying to guess when Jax will come.