Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sleep brag!

Jax was sleeping 6-7 hours straight at night, which we thought was just awesome. Now in the last few nights he has started sleeping 8-10 hours straight. WooHoo!

Jax's two month check up.

Birth Weight & Length: 6lbs 3.6oz 17.5in
1 Week Weight & Length: 6lbs 3oz 19in
One Month Weight & Length: 9lbs 10oz 20.5in
Two Month Weight & Length: 12lbs 14oz 21in

What a little piggy I have! Over double his birth weight in just two months. I think we have a big boy just like his brother was. Corbin was 13lbs at 9 months, but was never as big an eater as Jax already is.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


First my car wouldn't start yesterday, then a really crappy night at work. They will be so lucky if I finish this last week there. I swear last night was one of the top ten worst nights on that unit and I've worked on that unit for 16 months! Between following an incompetent nurse and the insane patient they got while I was off over the weekend, I did good to breathe the first 4 hours. Usually by 4 hours into my shift everything is good and calm and a good percentage of my paperwork is done. No, not last night. Instead last night I was just starting my paperwork at 11 and had two scheduled meds to give at midnight. I hate doing IVs and meds in the middle of the night. And I had to have the RN supervisor over three times to give IV push meds over-night. Scheduled IV push meds. The stupid doctors know we have no RN in our part of the building over-night and still keep scheduling meds that RNs have to give. Grrr idiots. Oh well just 4 more work nights there.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Call Back

Well I heard back about the job already. They called me back early this afternoon. Guess it's a good thing I didn't go out shopping this afternoon. I got the job, I go in to fill out paperwork and have a health screening on Wednesday then I start my orientation/training on April 1st. I'll be working the 2pm-11pm shift. But have 3 weeks of day shifts for orientation/training first.

Corbin and Jax

I got this picture this afternoon. He really wanted to get down and do anything but sit with his big sister. He is going to be fun to chase around, he already wants to go go go.

Where is time going?

Jax will be two months old on Monday. I can't believe how fast it has gone. We go next Friday for his two month check-up it'll be interesting to see how much he's grown, but I hate that he'll have to get shots. He is wearing mostly 3-6 month shirts but his 0-3 month pants are too long and fit great in the waist. He is getting longer but it is all in his torso. Posted a few new pictures of him and well be trying to get more and a video this weekend. He is smiling and cooing, sits up for short periods in his boppy pillow, and has started sleeping 6-7 hour stretches at night/early morning. He is still such a good baby, most crying is from hunger and rarely anything else.

My job interview yesterday went great, I'll know something early next week they said and would start early next month with orientation/training. Keeping my fingers crossed.

My fave new picture of Jax:

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Job interview!

Next Thursday for a state job. Which means more money and better benefits. They called this afternoon, after waiting 6 weeks for a call back from them.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Back to...

work tomorrow night. So wish I could stay home with my little man, but there is no way we could do it. I'm going to miss him so much. He just gets bigger every day and hate that I'll miss out on new things.