Delaney Jaxon
38 weeks and 2 days gestation
3:46PM CST
6 pounds 3.6 ounces
17 inches
APGAR scores 9 and 9
I awoke at 5am on Friday January 23rd after the best nights sleep I had gotten in weeks. I sat at the computer in the living room checking e-mails and reading message boards while waiting for it to be time for DD Corbin to get up and ready for school. Around 6AM, just before Corbin was due to get up, I decided to get up and go pee before I got busy helping her. When I stood up I got a quick small gush, hoping it was what I thought it was, I hurried off to the bathroom. When I sat down on the toilet it happened again. So with out going pee I stood back up to find clear cloudy toilet water. 15 minutes later it was continuing to leak whenever I changed position. Corbin was up by then but rather then say anything to her I helped her get ready same as ever and put her on the bus at 7AM. I had already woke DH T.J. and gave him a heads up. I had decided as long as there was no contractions I would wait until my OB’s office opened and call them rather then call L&D or go right in. From 7AM to 9AM T.J. and I got things together and made one last run to Wal-Mart so I could pick up some nursing bras. Just after 9AM I called the OB’s office and his nurse told me to head on in to the hospital and she would call and let them know I was coming. Ran to Sonic to get T.J. a bite to eat then off to the hospital.
10AM checked into L&D and told I am only 3cm and 75% effaced. Having a few minor contractions, but nothing serious. Midwife came in and told me my OB would be unavailable till after 3PM, so until then she would handle my labor and or delivery. Since my water had broken at 6 they were only willing to let me go till noon to see if something would happen or if I would need a push. My big concern was they really wanted to use Pitocin to push labor, and I had a rough time of it with Pit during my first L&D. So off I went to walk a bit, first heading over to my unit (all the way across the hospital) to let them know I was there and baby was coming that day. Went back to my room and just kind of hung out waiting with T.J. and his mom. At 12:30ish my favorite L&D nurse Dawn (she was at Corbin’s birth and was my OB instructor in LPN school) checked me and I was still only a 3 with only minor contractions. At this time T.J. went to go fetch Corbin from school. And so the hard part began for me. At 1:15PM still a 3 I was started on Pit. By 1:30 the contractions started with a vengeance. As 3pm arrived I felt like I was being tore in half and knew if it wasn’t over soon I might just cave on the epidural. I was checked and about screamed when she said I was a 7. At 3:15 I was given Demerol IV and they went a head and started to set up the room. Quickly I was telling them the pressure was building and I would soon need to push. I was coached through breathing through several contractions (and told them that even without pushing I could feel the head moving down) until my OB arrived and they started me pushing. Even this seemed harder then with my other two though I know it only last about 15 minutes. Soon Doc was telling me the head was clear and there was no cord around his neck but he had a hand tucked under his chin. I then reached down and pulled him out and up onto my belly where he immediately started to scream. They clamped his cord and just as Corbin (who was by my side for all the delivery) was about to cut it he nearly peed on her. After I delivered the placenta my Doc showed it to Corbin and explained it all to her (have I said before how much I LOVE him). His APGAR scores were 9 and 9, so he is tiny but strong and healthy. I couldn’t be happier that it all turned out so perfect, even though I was disappointed to need the Demerol, and thrilled to death I caught him (something I have wanted to do since before we started TTC). So all in all 9.75 hours from water break to delivery and only 2.5 hours from 3cm start of contractions to delivery. Also I would have never thought it possible but I have fallen even more in love with T.J., he has been so incredible these last few days.